Bloomington, MN Free Mental Health Centers

State of Minnesota Government Funded and Non Profit Free Mental Health Centers
Before you search anywhere, check our list of free mental health services in Bloomington, MN.

You many not even know that you qualify. That is why you need to check our listings first before signing up for a costly therapist or counselor that you may be able to get for free.

Listings include:
- Free Psychological Counseling Services, Therapists
- Free Mental Health Clinics
- Sliding Fee scale Behavioral Health Centers based on income
- Short and long term residential mental health clinics.
- Co-ocurring disorder treatment for mental health and alcohol / substance abuse services.

Top Two Types of Addictions Treated At Behavioral Health Centers:
1. Chemical, drug addictions
2. Behavorial Addictions

Examples of Behavioral Addictions Treated At These Mental Health Centers:
- Sex, including porn addiction.
- Gambling addictions includes sports addiction, casino online electronic gambling, etc.
- Internet addictions including online games (also listed below). Often called Internet Addiction Disorder which is compulsive internet usage.
- Shopping, includes online shopping.
- Video game addiction.
- Plastic surgery.
- Binge eating, food addiction.
- Depression

Get Help With Addiction 1-800-684-1749. Treatment Support Availble 24/7.

Search from our list below.

Canvas Health Mental Health Services

1701 E. American Blvd
Bloomington, MN - 55425

(651) 777-5222

Sliding Scale Income Based. Canvas Health helps children, adolescents, adults and families who struggle with mental health, chemical health and domestic and sexual abuse. Ou...

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Mental Health Centers near Bloomington

Due to the low number of listings in Bloomington, we have added additional nearby mental health services.

Scott County Crisis Services

301 Fuller Street South
Shakopee, MN - 55379

(952) 818-3702

Canvas Health helps children, adolescents, adults and families who struggle with mental health, chemical health and domestic and sexual abuse. Outpatient clinic focuses on mental health care. Early childhood therapy ages 5 and under and child/adolescent therapy ages 6-17. Issues ranging from stress...


Cottage Grove Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinic

8451 East Point Douglas Road South
Cottage Grove, MN - 55016

(651) 777-5222

    Services for Children & Families     Children’s Therapeutic Services and Supports     Early Childhood Clinical Services     Early Childhood Consultation/Early Childhood Behavior Assistance     Services for Adolesce...

Coon Rapids and Anoka County Crisis Services

10077 Dogwood Street Northwest,
Coon Rapids, MN - 55448

(651) 777-5222

Canvas Health helps children, adolescents, adults and families who struggle with mental health, chemical health and domestic and sexual abuse. Outpatient clinic focuses on mental health care. Early childhood therapy ages 5 and under and child/adolescent therapy ages 6-17. Issues ranging from stress...


ResCare MN

1585 Rice Street
Saint Paul, MN - 55117

(651) 487-8088



West Side Community Health Care For The Homeless

438 Main Street
Saint Paul, MN - 55102

(651) 647.2364

Our main office hours: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dorothy Day Center: Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Union Gospel: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Ramsey County Family Services: M, W 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for dental hygiene The ...

Did not find a location of interest?

Call us at 1-800-684-1749.
We have further locations that are not listed on the website.