There are 5 Free Mental Health Clinics in Marquette County, MI.
Mental health treatment is expensive, before you search anywhere else, check our list of free mental health services in , MI.
You many not even know that you qualify. That is why you need to check our listings first before signing up for a costly therapist or counselor that you may be able to get for free.
Listings include:
- Free Psychological Counseling Services, Therapists
- Free Mental Health Clinics
- Sliding Fee scale Behavioral Health Centers based on income
- Short and long term residential mental health clinics.
- Co-ocurring disorder treatment for mental health and alcohol / substance abuse services.
Top Two Types of Addictions Treated At Behavioral Health Centers:
1. Chemical, drug addictions
2. Behavorial Addictions
Examples of Behavioral Addictions Treated At These Mental Health Centers:
- Sex, including porn addiction.
- Gambling addictions includes sports addiction, casino online electronic gambling, etc.
- Internet addictions including online games (also listed below). Often called Internet Addiction Disorder which is compulsive internet usage.
- Shopping, includes online shopping.
- Video game addiction.
- Plastic surgery.
- Binge eating, food addiction.
- Depression
Most Common Mental Illnesses Treated:
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses. The three main types are phobias, panic disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.