712 25th St. N.
Birmingham, AL - 35203
T (205) 323-5311
Birmingham Health Care is a non-profit, Community Health Center that has been serving the greater Birmingham area since 1983. BHC offers a variety of health services at affordable costs to the entire family.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00pm
Multi-faceted organization, open to everyone regardless of ability to pay, providing medical, dental, and mental health services, as well as substance abuse treatment and counseling,
HIV/AIDS prevention and education, transportation, transitional housing, and childcare services.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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