8 East Cottonwood Street
Cottonwood, AZ - 86326
T (928) 634-2236
Behavioral Health Services
Our psychiatrists specialize in behavioral health as well as being experts in the physical needs of our patients. They are responsible to diagnose and treat disorders to optimize wellness, stability, and fulfillment of individuals in our care.
Our therapists meet with clients to encourage the identification of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that guide clients to navigate them daily as a means to leading a life that supports wellness and a sense of safety and happiness.
Residential Treatment
Our residential programs are designed for those living with substance use disorders as well as other diagnosis. The Momentum team is specially trained to assist our clients in living as independently as possible upon successful completion. We also offer employment opportunities to make this transition through our Work Adjustment Training program.
Recovery Services
With individualized care, we offer recovery-focused services that allow individuals the opportunity to learn to manage their own recovery and advocacy process. With the help of our Peer Support staff, our patients learn to enhance the development of natural supports, as well as learn coping and self-management skills.
The mobile crisis team members are specially trained in crisis response techniques. They coordinate with Spectrum psychiatry, primary care providers, nurses, counselors and other community providers to offer services necessary for the individual experiencing crisis.
SpeCenterum Healthcare is a certified Community Mental Health Center and therefore operates through federal and state funds made possible by the Community Mental Health Act. The purpose of these funds to make diagnosis and treatment available to low-income and indigent individuals. The services are either free or under a sliding-scale. These services are available to people of all ages who do not have health insurance.
Counties are often responsible for backing services like schools and hospitals. SpeCenterum Healthcare receives funding from either the county or another local government. This means that mental health services for local residents might be offered for free or at a reduced rate. Call to find out.
The US Department of Health and Human Services offers funds in the form of Community Services Block Grants to all states. The purpose of these funds is to reduce poverty by helping low-income individuals and families find work, access education, obtain housing, and improve their health. SpeCenterum Healthcare is a recipient of this grant. You may qualify for assistance provided you meet low-income eligibility requirements but you must apply by contacting the following office:
Edward Chien ( CSBG Program Coordinator )
1789 W. Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ - 85005
Phone: 480-267-7324
Fax: 602-542-6655
Michael Trailor ( Director )
1789 W Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ - 85007
Phone: 602-542-5757
Fax: 602-542-5339
SpeCenterum Healthcare receives IHS/Tribal/Urban (ITU) funds.
SpeCenterum Healthcare accepts Medicare, a federal health insurance program for people age 65 and older and people with disabilities.
Medicare covers a wide range of mental health services.
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers inpatient mental health care services you get in a hospital. Part A covers your room, meals, nursing care, and other related services and supplies.
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) helps cover mental health services that you would generally get outside of a hospital, including visits with a psychiatrist or other doctor, visits with a clinical psychologist or clinical social worker, and lab tests ordered by your doctor.
Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug ) helps cover drugs you may need to treat a mental health condition. Each Part D plan has its own list of covered drugs, known as formulary. Learn more about which plans cover various drugs.
If you get your Medicare benefits through a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO) or other Medicare health plan, check your plan’s membership materials or call the plan for details about how to get your mental health benefits.
All state Medicaid programs provide some mental health services. SpeCenterum Healthcare accepts Medicaid, a joint federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with low incomes and limited resources. Medicaid programs vary from state to state.
Community Mental Health Centers operate through federal and state funds made possible by the Community Mental Health Act. The purpose of these funds to make diagnosis and treatment available to low-income and indigent individuals. The services are either free or under a sliding-scale. These services are available to people of all ages who do not have health insurance. SpeCenterum Healthcare is a certified Community Mental Health Center therefore offers services to those who might not be able to afford them.
SpeCenterum Healthcare recieves funding from the state of Arizona other than traditional funding like Medicare, Medicaid, or Community Services Block grants. This means that it likely that these subsidies will translate to affordable or free mental health services to you. Call SpeCenterum Healthcare to find out.
SpeCenterum Healthcare receives State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
SpeCenterum Healthcare Funds designed to finance the cost of treatment for mental health conditions.
SpeCenterum Healthcare recieves or accepts State welfare or child and family services funds.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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