417 Balboa Ave.
Stuart, FL - 34994
T (772) 463-4128
The Volunteers in Medicine Clinic may provide health care at no charge to you. To be eligible, you must be an adult who is a permanent resident of Martin County, has lived in Martin County continuously for the past six (6) months, and be within a certain income bracket. You may qualify if you do not have any health insurance, Medicaid or Medicare and do not qualify for Veterans benefits.
If you have Medicare, please call the Physician Referral Number for Martin Health System at 221-2088.
If you have Medicaid, or are pregnant, please call the Martin County Health Department at 221-4030.
To find out if you can use VIM Clinic, please do the following:
Collect the information listed below and call 463-4128 to schedule an eligibility screening appointment. If you qualify, you will be given an appointment with a health care practitioner.
The VIM Clinic helps fills that gap in care thanks to caring medical professionals who donate their time and services so that we can provide free primary care to qualified individuals.
VIM patients are the people who build our homes, maintain our roads, serve our coffee and care for our children. They are your friends and neighbors. And they have incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
At the Clinic, we can provide the following services free of charge, once applicants have been screened to meet our eligibility criteria, (los requisitos de elegibilidad) and established as patients.
CARDIOLOGY: We can perform EKGs onsite, and can order stress tests and echocardiograms. A cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic also volunteers as available.
DERMATOLOGY: A monthly dermatology clinic is available and we can make referrals to community practitioners.
DIABETES: We can provide treatment, counseling and support in collaboration with the Martin Memorial Diabetes Education Program.
DIETICIAN SERVICES: A registered dietician who is also a diabetes educator is available during the winter months.
EYE CLINIC: Two opthalmologists and four optometrists volunteer at the Clinic.
GI CLINIC: We have volunteer gastroenterologists and can refer patients to a community practitioner.
LABORATORY: We have phlebotomists who draw blood at the clinic and send the samples to Martin Memorial Health Systems for laboratory analysis as needed.
MENTAL HEALTH: We have a mental health nurse practitioner on staff who sees patients daily. We also have a volunteer mental health counselor who volunteers two Fridays a month.
ORTHOPEDICS: A volunteer physician is available twice monthly. We do not have an outside referral source for orthopedics.
PHYSICAL THERAPY & SPEECH THERAPY: These services are provided on a referral basis from outside providers.
PODIATRY CLINIC: We have a podiatry clinic available once a month, run by a family of podiatrists.
PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: There are select medications that we can apply for on behalf of patients who cannot afford their prescriptions.
REFERRALS: We are able to refer patients to community practitioners who have agreed to provide our patients with services free of charge. No elective or cosmetic procedures are available.
RESPIRATORY: We perform pulmonary function tests onsite and can get sleep studies for patients. We can usually help patients obtain CPAP machines. Patients can usually obtain nebulizers through the American Lung Association at 800-330-5864.
TOBACCO CESSATION: A free smoking cessation program is available with counseling services and tobacco cessation products, in partnership with the Florida QuitLine.
TUBERCULOSIS: We perform PPD tests onsite. Any patient with a positive test result receives a chest X-ray and liver enzyme test, and the results are reported to the Martin County Health Department.
WOMEN'S HEALTH: We provide annual women's breast and pelvic exams, colposcopies, endometrial biopsies, cryosurgery and LEEP procedures.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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