1458 Addison Rd. S.
Capitol Heights, MD - 20743
T 301-324-1500
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Closed for Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Monday - Friday
Services: Physical examinations, Healthy lifestyle education, Disease prevention and treatment, Well-child care, Preconception healthcare, Prenatal healthcare, Case management, Referrals to other medical specialists or clinics, Diagnostic testing, Primary mental health, Laboratory services, Immunizations, Primary mental health
An assortment of payment options, including private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.
Fees are based upon: The type of services rendered and the type of visit, The provision of lab or diagnostic testing, Income and family size. (Proof of total family income, W-2 pay stubs must be provided at the time of service)
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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