13240 Woodrow Wilson
Detroit, MI - 48238
T (313) 865-8446
New Patient Information
New patients are always welcome at the HUDA clinic, you can schedule your initial appointment on a Saturday by calling the office or filling out the contact form. You can also come for a walk-in appointment before 10:30 am any day that we are open.
Tuesday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
Clinic hours:
Tuesdays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Thursdays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
We have psychiatrists on staff along with our licensed social workers to provide therapy and treatment for a wide range of mental health concerns. We offer free counseling and treatment to veterans, homeless, uninsured, and the working underinsured.
Our Mental Health Services Include:
Prescribing psychiatrist on staff
Therapists on staff
Teen & Adult Counseling
Depression, Eating Disorders, and more.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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