380 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA - 95060
T (831) 469-1700
Must be: ages 3 to 20 years old.
Fees: None for youths who have full scope Medical.
* Sliding scale is being worked out right now. Check back for more details.
Integrated Behavioral Health, Youth & Family
Encompass's Youth & Family programs offer a spectrum of services for children, youth, and families including counseling, parenting education, and substance use disorder treatment. Staff are trained to work with specialty populations and offer trauma-informed services from a systems perspective.
Counseling Provided for the following:
Families Together: Differential Response model offering a combination of counseling and parenting education to improve the safety of children and youth in their homes.
Family Urgent Response System (Cal-FURS): A coordinated system designed to provide in-person support to youth and families facing immediate challenges.
FUERTE Wraparound: Wraparound services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Stable Transitions After Re-Entry (STAR): Provides support to youth who are exiting Probation-based placements and returning to a family-based home environment.
TAY (Transition Age Youth): Counseling, skill building, resource center, and subsidized supportive housing for current and former foster and probation placement youth ages 15-24.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services: Intensive behaviorally-focused service for youth at risk of a higher level of care.
Youth Services Counseling (CARF Accredited Program): Individual and family counseling to support challenges with emotional and behavioral challenges.
Youth Substance Use Counseling (CARF Accredited Program): Outpatient and intensive outpatient services for youth struggling with drugs and/or alcohol use.
Head Start, Preschool, and Early Childhood Education
Youth & Family Counseling
Adult Substance Use Counseling
Adult Counseling
Youth Substance Use Counseling
Money Management
Youth Services Counseling Santa Cruz is a certified Community Mental Health Center and therefore operates through federal and state funds made possible by the Community Mental Health Act. The purpose of these funds to make diagnosis and treatment available to low-income and indigent individuals. The services are either free or under a sliding-scale. These services are available to people of all ages who do not have health insurance.
Counties are often responsible for backing services like schools and hospitals. Youth Services Counseling Santa Cruz receives funding from either the county or another local government. This means that mental health services for local residents might be offered for free or at a reduced rate. Call to find out.
All state Medicaid programs provide some mental health services. Youth Services Counseling Santa Cruz accepts Medicaid, a joint federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with low incomes and limited resources. Medicaid programs vary from state to state.
Community Mental Health Centers operate through federal and state funds made possible by the Community Mental Health Act. The purpose of these funds to make diagnosis and treatment available to low-income and indigent individuals. The services are either free or under a sliding-scale. These services are available to people of all ages who do not have health insurance. Youth Services Counseling Santa Cruz is a certified Community Mental Health Center therefore offers services to those who might not be able to afford them.
Youth Services Counseling Santa Cruz recieves or accepts State welfare or child and family services funds.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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