500 South Coit Street
Florence, SC - 29501
T 843.667.9947
Mercy Medicine Clinic is a Christian Clinic dedicated to providing medical care to residents of Florence and Dillon Counties who could not otherwise receive it. We provide consultations, treatment, and services out of Christian love and at no charge, for patients who would not otherwise receive treatment. Mercy Medicine Clinic is a place that blesses people: patients, workers, and volunteers alike.
The Clinic's Mission:
To provide primary medical care and life sustaining medications for the indigent, uninsured, and working poor residents of Florence and Dillon Counties.
Services Provided:
Primary Care
Primary medical care is probably the most visible and vital of all the healthcare services provided by Mercy Medicine Clinic. It consists of addressing many of the more prevalent health conditions that prevail throughout our region such as Diabetes and hypertension. We are fortunate to have a number of trained and dedicated volunteer physicians and nurses who are expert at treating these maladies. Prevention is a key component to everything we do at Mercy Medicine Clinic. Recognition of the onset of such conditions can mean all the difference in avoiding the onset of a potentially debilitating and life-threatening situation.
Dental Chair
Dental Clinic
The many indigent and working poor patients who come to us for dental services are unable to afford the high cost of dental care or the insurance to help pay for it. Dental care at Mercy Medicine Clinic consists primarily of treatment for pain and infection, as well as extractions. We also have recently added dentures to our list of dental services. Mercy Medicine Clinic is just one of four free medical clinics in the state to feature dental care.
In addition to its many other functions, Mercy Medicine Clinic also features an onsite non-dispensing pharmacy. Many of the medications provided to our patients are obtained through such channels as Medigap (Medicare Supplemental Insurance) and local pharmacies such as The Medicine Mart. The pharmacy also has the advantage of having access to OS/1 pharmacy management software that allows us to keep track of the many existing medications and how they interact with one another. This enhances our ability to ensure patient safety when a number of prescriptions are being taken at the same time.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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