9243 Old Keene Mill RD
Burke, VA - 22015
T (401) 379-0652
The Mission of Hope provides a free clinic.
The clinic is open on Sundays from 11:30am - 3:30pm and Wednesdays from 6pm - 8pm by appointment.
They work with low/no income Virginians who do not have the means to sustain themselves. They support patients by offering disability assistance to individuals that cannot receive care anywhere else. They aim to meet the holistic needs of each patient so they can live more fully and ultimately contribute to the shared community.
They offer the following services:
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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