107 North Kent Street, Suite 201
Winchester, VA - 22601
T (540) 722-3480
Clinical Services:
Clinical services such as immunizations for children, adolescents and adults, tuberculosis screening, pregnancy testing, HIV testing, blood pressure assessment and testing for sexually transmitted infections are available by appointment Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Please call for more information or to make an appointment.
Child health services
Children's physical exams, school physical exams, including pre-school physical exams, and sports physical exams are available by appointment.
Communicable diseases:
Outbreak investigations can be conducted on suspicious food or water-borne infections, bioterrorism events, and infectious diseases that are spread to humans by either animals or others.
Obamacare purchased from the Health Care Marketplaces covers Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Under the Health Care Law there are 10 categories of benefits. Mental Health Care and Substance Abuse Treatment are two of the 10.
If you have Affordable Care Act Coverage you will have mental health care coverage.
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